Encuentro Internacional de Educación en Ingeniería ACOFI 2014 - 7 al 10 de octubre de 2014 - Cartagena de Indias.
Idioma / Language: esen


Check the instructions for submission of full papers, remember reading these instructions carefully.

Instructions for submission of full papers

Check the instructions for oral presentations, remember reading these instructions carefully.

Instructions oral presentations

Check the instructions for poster presentations, remember reading these instructions carefully.

Instructions poster presentations



Check the list of approved papers for oral presentation

Oral presentations

Check the list of approved papers for poster presentation

Posters Presentations

Check the list of approved abstracts for the meeting.

Accepted abstracts


Schedule oral presentations

Check here the schedule of oral presentations

Schedule of oral presentations


Call for papers

Check the complete information on this link Call for papers


1. Trends on the training of engineers 

  • Analysis of the trends of successful methodologies in the training of engineers
  • Trends in the teaching of engineering associated to the use of technologies
  • Relation of basic education (schools) and the roles of faculties of engineering
  • Experiences and trends of inter-institutional alliances

2. Quality assurance 

  • Assessment processes in the faculties of engineering and the roles of stakeholders
  • Reflection and analysis of international accreditations
  • The certifications of programs, teachers and students

3. Trends in postgraduate programs and research in engineering

  • Relationship between undergraduate and graduate programs in engineering: experiences and trends
  • Research in master and doctoral studies