Participation categories

The following are the categories in which you can participate: 

    1. Papers on engineering education
    2. Advances in research
    3. Student papers
    4. Meeting of Deans of Engineering

1.Papers on engineering education

As has been tradition in 2015 ACOFI EIEI experiences faculties, schools and engineering programs in the areas of teaching and learning models, curriculum proposals, the processes of quality assurance, among others will be presented.


1.1 Foresight in engineering education

The way of teaching, the dynamics of curricula, the contribution of ICT, interdisciplinarity, different and diverse skills of students, among other things, make the teaching and learning require strategies, tools and dynamics which respond to the need for better engineers. In this axis alternatives on improving the education of future engineers will be analyzed, taking into account the context in which it develops, availability of technology, resources and talents of teachers and students.

1.2 Internationalization of engineering curricula

Talk of internationalization of the curriculum covers a wide spectrum that can range from the mobility of faculty, staff and students, to the orientation of curricula towards models of global education. In this axis modes will be addressed as schools, engineering schools and programs must address the challenges posed by globalization, incorporating them into their work.

1.3 Evaluation of engineering education

We can say that the evaluation has been a transition from being a monitoring exercise to become a factor management in which data are available, understandable and measurable indicators that reflect the quality of a school of engineering. In this area the evaluation will be addressed as a fundamental contribution to measure learning with structured and tangible results, and the way it contributes to the rigor of what is done in the faculties of engineering. In this area the incidence of the evaluation will be discussed in the training of engineers and how their results should be a tool to diagnose the quality.


Entries will be displayed only in oral form, at specified times. According to the corresponding thematic area jobs are organized into groups of 4 and will be exposed during the parallel sessions concluded with a discussion among exhibitors within the time available.

How to submit your abstract

  • Prepare your abstract (maximum length is 500 words)
  • After 19 January 2015, access the website
  • Register in the system if you are not registered on it
  • Copy and paste the text of the abstract in the appropriate box (no need to attach any document / file at this stage)

It is recommended that this process is performed by the lead author, he who initiates the process is the only contact between ACOFI and paper at present.

Call addressed to

  • Administrators, teachers, students and administrative staff in faculties, engineering programs.
  • Research groups of faculties, schools or engineering programs.
  • Representatives of business and government who have developed related to the topic of the meeting papers

The best papers selected by the evaluators, are the winners of the 2015 Awards ACOFI.

Accepted Abstracts

See here the list of approved summaries for the EIEI

Approved Abstracts

Instructions for submission of full paper

Please see the instructions for the preparation and subsequent upload to the extensive paper. We request a detailed reading of this instruction.

Instructive full paper presentation

Oral Presentations Schedule

Consult the date, time and corresponding room in which their paper will be presented.

Oral Presentations Schedule

Accepted papers

Here is the final list papers on engineering education that will be on the agenda of the meeting

Final papers list


All papers will be compiled in the reports of the meeting. This publication will be made by the ACOFI, giving claims relating to all authors. This publication does not imply any recognition in money to the authors.

Responsibility for the content of the papers is the authors also must have proper authorization for the reproduction of any illustration, text, table or figure, taken from other authors and / or sources. ACOFI assumes no responsibility for the opinions expressed in the published documents. Once the paper is accepted, authors must provide the Association, its authorization for publication in writing (see format).

Format Bill of Rights

Important Dates

  • January 19, 2015: The system is open for abstract submission
  • April 30, 2015: Deadline for submission of abstracts
  • May 15, 2015: Publication of abstracts accepted and rejected
  • June 26, 2015: Deadline for submission of full paper
  • July 24, 2015: Deadline for registration of authors

2. Progress in research

Under the EIEI ACOFI 2015, the following topics of interest to engineering, in which college experiences and expose the company will be addressed:

2.1 Sustainable Development

2.2 Infrastructure of cities (Smart cities)

2.3 Logistics

2.4 Materials


Each issue will be addressed as follows:

  • Tuesday, 15 September 2015. For each topic will be a theoretical and practical workshop where research experiences approved by the organizing committee socialize and debate around the proposed topic and experiences presented will be performed.
  • Wednesday September 16 and Thursday 17 September. According to the final agenda, two of the topics are presented in a panel per day, which will reflect about it with the participation of experts from academia and business.
  • Wednesday September 16 and Thursday 17 September. Poster socialization.

Criteria for Participation

Every research should send email a report of five (5) pages in length, according to the question asked, in Microsoft Word format, containing the most relevant aspects of the proposed research. You must specify the subject to which it belongs.

Selected papers will be presented at the Workshop on September 15 and presented as a poster at the Convention Center.

The evaluation criteria are:

  • Correspondence with an investigation
  • Consistency with one of the proposed topics
  • Creativity
  • Relevant Content
  • Feasibility of implementation, planning, and scope

The selected papers will be asked to design a poster that must comply with the parameters of consistency, feasibility and possibility of implementation, plus a preestablished specifications will be announced in due course. The posters will be exhibited during the 16th, 17th and September 18th in Cartagena Convention Center.

This proposal is aimed at achieving better interaction among participants. Therefore, the presentation must have practical elements for workshops and panels.

Call addressed to

  • Administrators, teachers, students and administrative staff in schools, engineering schools or programs to investigate in any of the issues raised.
  • Research groups of faculties, schools or engineering programs.
  • Representatives of business and government who are conducting related to the proposed topics.

Approved progress

See here the list of approved progress in research

List documents approved

Final list of Advances in Research

Here is the final list of advances in research that will be on the agenda of the meeting

Final List advances

Instructions and forms

You can download here the instructions needed to present the document in detail and to present the poster.

Full paper format – Advances in Research

Instructions for poster presentation


All papers will be compiled in the reports of the meeting. This publication will be made by the ACOFI, giving claims relating to all authors. This publication does not imply any recognition in money to the authors.

Responsibility for the content of the papers is the authors also must have proper authorization for the reproduction of any illustration, text, table or figure, taken from other authors and / or sources. ACOFI assumes no responsibility for the opinions expressed in the published documents. Once the paper is accepted, authors must provide the Association, its authorization for publication in writing (see format).

Format Bill of Rights

Important Dates

  • January 19, 2015: opens the call for submission of research advances
  • April 30, 2015: Deadline for submission of research advances
  • May 15, 2015: Publication of accepted papers
  • 9 to 12 June 2015: Delivery of recommendations for adjusting the final paper
  • June 26, 2015: Deadline for submission of the final breakthrough research Date
  • July 17, 2015: Deadline for submission of posters
  • July 24, 2015: Deadline for registration of the person or persons who will participate in the presentation of advances Date.

4. Meeting of Deans of Engineering

The direction of the faculties of engineering is more complex everyday task, which requires review and update your organization, renew its management and promote best practices, while maintaining quality.

In the EIEI ACOFI 2015, a space for the deans of the faculties and schools of Engineering, participants analyze their role facing the challenges and commitments that demand will focus its work.

Meeting of Deans. Management Engineering faculty


  • Carlos Alberto Tobón Palacio, Universidad de Antioquia
  • Behrentz Eduardo Valencia, Universidad de los Andes

Moderator: to be confirmed


From the proposed topics motivation, each guest will their accuracy for 20 minutes. Then they present their comments and input for 20 minutes. Then, the moderator made comments and then a space for questions and contributions from the deans and directors of schools of public attendees engineering opens. In the end, the moderator will summarize the activity.


The direction of the engineering faculties is a more complex everyday work, which requires review and update your organization, renew its management and promote best practices, while maintaining quality.

At this meeting the deans of the faculties and schools of Engineering, participants discussed their role facing the challenges and commitments that demand its work.

Organizational aspects


  • Thursday, September 17, 14:00 to 16:00 hours Cartagena Convention Center, Room 302 A

Language: Spanish 

The aim is to analyze the magnitude of management that develops in the faculties of engineering, understanding that it is a work with major academic and administrative commitments, invites to rethink how this figure carries on business in management positions:

  • It is not that the guests make a mini conference each, but provide food for thought and debate.
  • The physical space provided for this activity will have a setting conducive to dialogue and therefore away from the very structure of a traditional academic conference.
  • The moderator is responsible for keeping the dialogue alive.
  • The session is scheduled a time for audience participation.