
The extremely high ground flash density in Colombia, and, in general, the high values of the lightning parameters in tropical region, statistics on lightning related injuries and deaths, impact on economy due to loss of property, damage of electrical and electronic equipment and systems, downtime due to service outages and data losses and problems in power quality, are issues of great significance to invite scientific experts worldwide to expose, compare and discuss research scientific and technological results on the lightning phenomenon in different latitudes of the earth.

Based on international symposiums held in different parts of the world, the National University of Colombia, the research group PAAS-UN and the Colombian Association of Faculties of Engineering (ACOFI), with support from the Colombian Institute of Science and Technology (COLCIENCIAS) have invited worldwide expert researchers from 15 countries to the World Meeting on Lightning (WOMEL) to discuss the progress in scientific and technological knowledge of the phenomenon of lightning and propose future research approaches.

WOMEL was held in the Convention Center of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, from 6th to 8th April 2016.

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