Welcome to EIEI ACOFI 2017

The Colombian Association of Schools of Engineering (ACOFI) organizes from September 26 to 29, 2017, a new version of the International Meeting of Engineering Education (EIEI ACOFI 2017), to be held in the historic city of Cartagena de Indias (Colombia).

With the title: “The engineering schools and their engagement to society”, the EIEI ACOFI 2017 will be the stage in which deans, academic, and administrative directors, professors and engineering students will interact with representatives of the productive sector, State, guilds and citizenship, will they study and analyze on the problems and expectations of society and propose strategies that allow human development to be compatible with productivity and sustainability, so that from the schools of engineering proposed viable, innovative, sustainable and competitive solutions that ensure a positive impact on society.

ACOFI invite the entire academic engineering community, represented in schools, undergraduate and postgraduate programs, institutes, centers, and research groups. It especially extends the invitation to entrepreneurs and associations related to engineering, to local, regional, national and global governments and organizations, to the media and, in general, to all those interested in knowing the compromise of the engineering education with the reduction of gaps: social, economic, scientific and technological.

Lectures, panels and dialogues with experts, about of the engineering education, and its relationship with social and professional development; workshops, technical and social activities will form a great agenda prepared with great care by the organization. The EIEI ACOFI 2017 will be a space to know and share experiences, proposals and trends that seek to promote the potential of scientific and technological development of engineering for social development.

Deans, directors of academic units, administrative staff, professors, researchers, students, government, industry and society will be present in the EIEI ACOFI 2017.

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