Within the framework of the EIEI ACOFI 2017, the following topics of engineering interest they will be addressed, reflecting and exposing experiences of the university and the enterprise, in which scientific, technological development and its social impact highlighted:
- Protection and integrity of materials
- Efficient use of water
- Mobility and transport
- Biomedicine
Each topic will be addressed in a workshop on Tuesday, September 26, 2017, in which the research experiences that are approved by the organizing committee will be socialized and a debate will be held among the participants.
The papers will be exhibited in poster form during the days 27, 28 and 29 of September, according to the conditions established by the organization and that will be informed in a timely manner through the website www.acofi.edu.co/eiei2017
Criteria for participation
Each research experience should send a maximum of five (5) pages report according to the proposed topic to the mail eiei@acofi.edu.co, in Microsoft Word format, which contains the aspects that it considers most relevant, on the proposed research. You must specify the topic to which you belong and mention which research category you are in.
The selected works will be presented orally in the Workshop on September 26 and will be displayed in poster form at the Convention Center.
The evaluation criteria that will be taken into account are the following:
- Correspond to an investigation.
- Consistency with one of the proposed topics.
- Have an innovation component.
- Have relevant content.
- Capacity for implementation, planning, and outreach.
The selected papers will be asked to design a poster that must meet parameters of coherence, feasibility and possibility of implementation, in addition to preset specifications that will be announced in a timely manner. The posters will be exhibited during the days 27, 28 and 29 of September.
This proposal is oriented towards better interaction and practical elements for the workshops.
Directed to
- Directors, professors, students and administrative staff of faculties, schools or engineering programs that are part of research in each of the topics.
- Research groups of faculties, schools or engineering programs.
- Representatives of the business and government sectors that are developing research related to the proposed topics.
Important dates
- November 1, 2016: the system opens for presentation of research progress.
- April 21, 2017: deadline for submission of research progress.
- May 26, 2017: publication of accepted and rejected papers.
- June 23, 2017: deadline for submission of the full paper.
- July 14, 2017: Deadline for sending the posters.
- July 31, 2017: deadline for registration of the person or persons who will participate in the presentation of the Advances.