
Engineering has multiple definitions in which variations can be found associated with the emphasis on science or technology, but always emphasize that engineering is a profession that promotes the resolution of society’s needs, problems or challenges. UNESCO proposes that engineering is the integration of mathematics, science and technology to design products, procedures, services and systems that meet the needs, problems or challenges of society (Engineering: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities for Development).

This context makes it possible to identify the close relationship between what happens in classrooms, where the teaching of engineering are taught, and what happens in the context in which the profession is developed.

On the other hand, it is important to specify what the engineering society expects. Cañón, in 2003, said:

“The credibility and trust that society has in engineering and engineers is an essential factor of professional development that must transcend the simple recognition of translation skills or promotion in labor competencies and insist on the need for training Men and women who, in addition to mastering the various expressions of the technique … (be) bearers of balance, justice and equity … “

The same author wrote:

“Each society has unique features that require the development of a versatile engineering to contribute to a better standard of living for all, with a continuous effort of training and practice that reduces the gap widened by technology, a redundant gap in social injustice and a new factor of conflict.”

In this same sense, Reséndiz in 2011, said:

“(The function of the engineer) is a professional function, which means to serve society and to respond to it for what it does. This mission fulfills it only if it reconciles social interests with the interests of its clients.”

For this reason, it is necessary to generate a permanent dialogue that allows the activity that develops in the schools and programs of engineering, around the procedures of teaching – learning, quality, research, curriculum and evaluation, is related with the society where of the engineers develop your profession and facilitate to meet the requirements of the productive sector and governments.

General objective

The EIEI ACOFI 2017 will be the academic space for study, analysis and debate on how the engineering schools include social engagement in their academic activity and define their relationship with the productive sector and the state to strengthen society.

Specific objectives

  • Analyze the strategies that promoted from the engineering schools to strengthen the social engagement.
  • Reflect on the work and contributions made by the engineering schools in their relationship with the company and the state to achieve synergies that promote social development.
  • To promote development through the teaching of engineering, in permanent alliance with the State and the productive sector.
  • Discuss the role of higher education institutions, the productive sector, government and society as a whole in building harmonious and sustainable development.

Categories of participation

  1. Lectures, panels and dialogues with experts who will present their views on how engineering schools promote social commitment and development from science, technology and innovation.
  1. Papers (oral presentations) of professors, students and researchers from the schools and programs of engineering, on the proposed thematic axes:
  • Teaching – learning procedures
  • Curriculum development
  • Evaluation of teaching in the classroom
  • Quality and accreditation
  1. Research advances developed by universities and companies, showing experiences and perspectives around the proposed topics: Material Integrity, Efficient Water Use, Mobility and Biomedicine, based on innovative procedures with social engagement.
  1. Meeting of Engineering students in which, from their own experience, analyze the social commitment of their training and their future professional practice.

These possibilities of participation will make the EIEI ACOFI 2017, an event of great importance for the engineering.