
Important Information

  1. They can only attend workshops people who have previously registered on the website of the workshops, this inscription is different from what is done for the event
  2. workshops Seating is limited and their capacity depends on the organization, check the quota of each workshop
  3. We ask that you carefully read the specific conditions to attend each workshop (if any)
  4. All workshops have exclusive certificate assistance

 1. Sustainable Development


Workshop on interaction possibilities and needs of U-E R & I issues in the area of sustainable development in engineering, in the lines of: water treatment, solid waste and energy efficiency. College experiences and the company will be presented 


  • Exposing experiences, possibilities and needs of research and innovation
  • Create a space for dialogue between deans, researchers, teachers and businessmen, to identify priorities and opportunities for collaboration in R + D + I
  • Strengthening relations between the Faculties of Engineering and Business in the country


9:30 to 10:00 Departure to place Workshop (Mayorship of Cartagena). 

10:00 to 11:00 Travel to the workshop site 

11:00 to 11:30 Opening 

11:30 to 12:30 Presentation university research 

12:30 to 13:30 Lunch 

13:30 to 14:30 Presentation of papers from invited companies 

14:30 to 16:00 Workshop Presentation venue 

16:00 to 16:20 Break – coffee 

16:20 to 17:10 Comments received on the work, experience in the workshop and contribute to the discussion from their perspective. Moderator: Eduardo Behrentz 

17:10 to 18:15 Analysis and discussion in working groups 

18:15 to 19:00 Plenary presentation of rapporteurs, analysis and conclusions. Moderator: Francisco Rebolledo 

Moderator and guest 

Moderator: Francisco Javier Rebolledo Muñoz, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana – ACODAL 

Guest: Eduardo Behrentz Valencia, Universidad de los Andes 

Organizational aspects 

Date and time: Tuesday September 15, 2015, 9:45 to 19:00 

Language: Spanish 

Number of participants: 40 / QUOTA COMPLETED

Workshop site: Mayorship of Cartagena, auditorium Vicente Martinez Martelo, Plaza de la Aduana

Location map

2. Infraestructure of cities (Smart cities)


Workshop on interaction possibilities and needs of U-E R & I issues in the field of infrastructure of cities, on the lines of transport systems, telematics, communications and information and geomatics and modeling networks and services. College experiences and the company will be presented. 


  • Exposing experiences, possibilities and needs of research and innovation
  • Create a space for dialogue between deans, researchers, teachers and businessmen, to identify priorities and opportunities for collaboration in R + D + I
  • Strengthening relations between the Faculties of Engineering and Business in the country


9:30 to 10:00 Departure to place Workshop (Society of Engineers and Architects of Bolivar). 

10:00 to 10:15 Opening 

10:15 to 13:00 Presentation studies (universities and enterprises) 

1:00 p.m. to 14:00 Lunch 

14:00 to 15:15 Tour Society of Engineers and Architects of Bolivar 

15:15 to 16:00 Presentation Society of Engineers and Architects of Bolivar 

16:00 to 16:15 Break – coffee 

16:15 to 17:15 Comments received on the work, experience in the workshop and contribute to the discussion from their perspective. Moderator: to be defined 

17:15 to 18:15 Analysis and discussion in working groups 

18:15 to 19:00 Plenary presentation of rapporteurs, analysis and conclusions. Moderator: Santiago Perez Henao 

Moderator and guest

Moderator: Santiago Henao Pérez, Colombian School of Engineering 

Guest: TBC 

Organizational aspects 

Date and time: Tuesday September 15, 2015, 9:30 to 19:00 

Language: Spanish 

Number of participants: 35 / QUOTA COMPLETED

Workshop site: Society of Engineers and Architects of Bolivar – Calle Santo Domingo # 33-81 

Location map

 3. Logistics


Workshop on interaction possibilities and needs of U-E R & I issues in the field of logistics, production lines and industrial logistics chains. College experiences and the company will be presented. 


  • Exposing experiences, possibilities and needs of research and innovation
  • Create a space for dialogue between deans, researchers, teachers and businessmen, to identify priorities and opportunities for collaboration in R + D + I
  • Strengthening relations between the Faculties of Engineering and Business in the country


9:30 to 10:00 Departure to place Workshop (Sociedad Portuaria de Cartagena). Meeting Point Convention Center 

10:00 to 10:15 Opening 

10:15 to 13:00 Presentation studies (universities and enterprises) 

1:00 p.m. to 14:00 Lunch 

14:00 to 15:15 Tour Sociedad Portuaria de Cartagena 

15:15 to 16:00 Presentation Sociedad Portuaria de Cartagena 

16:00 to 16:15 Break – coffee 

16:15 to 17:15 Comments received on the work, experience in the workshop and contribute to the discussion from their perspective. Moderator: Senior Adriana Ocampo 

17:15 to 18:15 Analysis and discussion in working groups 

18:15 to 19:00 Plenary presentation of rapporteurs, analysis and conclusions. Moderator: José Luis Villa Ramirez 

Moderator and guest 

Moderator: José Luis Villa Ramirez, Technological University of Bolivar 

Guest: Senior Adriana Ocampo 

Organizational aspects 

Date and time: Tuesday September 15, 2015, 9:30 to 19:00 

Language: Spanish 

Number of participants: 30 / QUOTA COMPLETED

Workshop site: Sociedad Portuaria de Cartagena – Manga Maritime Terminal 

Location map

 4. Materials


Workshop on interaction possibilities and needs of U-E R & I issues in the field of materials engineering, on the lines of O & G, Building and Manufacturing Processes. College experiences and the company will be presented. 


  • Exposing experiences, possibilities and needs of research and innovation
  • Create a space for dialogue between deans, researchers, teachers and businessmen, to identify priorities and opportunities for collaboration in R + D + I
  • Strengthening relations between the Faculties of Engineering and Business in the country


9:30 to 10:00 Departure to place Workshop (Cotecmar). Meeting Point Convention Center 

10:00 to 10:15 Opening 

10:15 to 13:00 Presentation studies (universities and enterprises) 

1:00 p.m. to 14:00 Lunch 

14:00 to 15:15 Tour Cotecmar 

15:15 to 16:00 Presentation Cotecmar 

16:00 to 16:15 Break – coffee 

16:15 to 17:15 Comments received on the work, experience in the workshop and contribute to the discussion from their perspective. Moderator: Oscar Rosa Mattos 

17:15 to 18:15 Analysis and discussion in working groups 

18:15 to 19:00 Plenary presentation of rapporteurs, analysis and conclusions. Moderator: Carlos Arroyave Posada 

Moderator and guest 

Moderator: Carlos Enrique Arroyave Posada, Universidad Antonio Nariño 

Guest: Oscar Rosa Mattos, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro 

Organizational aspects 

Date and time: Tuesday September 15, 2015, 9:30 to 19:00 

Language: Spanish 

Number of participants: 30 / QUOTA COMPLETED

Workshop site: Cotecmar – Mamonal 

Location map

 5. Challenges of Engineering Without Frontiers in Colombia 


The role of the engineer in the development of the country is clear, as a result of this profession is to conceive models and artifacts, which are intended to solve a specific problem. The practice of engineering, in this context, has the capacity and function of promoting the welfare, development and quality of life in vulnerable communities. This function requires the articulated effort between the different disciplines of engineering, public and private institutions, civil society, and of course, the participants or beneficiary communities. With efforts and partnerships of this kind it is possible to form joint ventures and positive social impact proactive cooperation.

Through this coffee citizenship, it seeks to create a space for reflection and debate, through the conversation invite to share experiences and concerns in partnerships engineering work – community of high social impact. Similarly, through dialogue, we want to create the basis for forming a borderless network engineering nationally, as a space to think and act the role of engineering and its social responsibility in Colombia.

Activity Methodology

  • Presentation 10 minutes
  • Introduction 10 minutes
  • Discussion of one question 10 minutes
  • Exchange of questions 5 minutes
  • Question couple discussion 10 minutes
  • Exchange dos question 5 minutes
  • Harvest 25 minutes


  • Projector
  • Host table format
  • Pencils / pens

Organizational aspects 

Date and time: Wednesday September 16, 2015, 14:00 to 16:00

Language: Spanish 

Number of participants: 40 / QUOTA COMPLETED

Workshop site: Convention Center Cartagena de Indias, Room 302A

6. Leisure methodologies for teaching focused systemic thought to sustainable development

GEIO research group of the Faculty of Engineering of the Technological University of Pereira, is a team of teachers and students working in research and development of new teaching methods based on playful and experiential learning. GEIO has ventured into academic national and international stages that have allowed it to strengthen their scientific work and accompany 23 institutions of higher education in the country in the implementation of industrial engineering lab tools based on experiential through play. These institutions currently make the IDDEAL RED, Network Research, Development and Dissemination of teaching and learning processes through Playful, which seeks to contribute in improving the teaching and learning of engineering in Colombia.

One of the cross-cutting themes in which GEIO work is systems thinking as a tool to view and understand the world and propose real solutions to the problems that arise in the context, including the engagement of economic and social progress with natural systems and conservation, which is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity. To explain the importance of the development of systems thinking in college students through methodologies that guide and motivate learning, GEIO proposes a workshop where attendees can, experiencing reflect and discuss the use of playful thinker to enhance skills Systemic on college students and their potential to provide solutions to environmental problems facing mankind today.


Shape a sustainable world it is the greatest learning challenge that humanity has ever faced (Senge et al., 2008). To achieve education is challenged to involve knowledge, skills, attitudes and values, not to mention, as noted Unesco “… participatory teaching and learning methods that motivate students and equip them autonomy to change their conduct and facilitate action for sustainable development. ” During this process, education must face the fact that despite the existence of widespread consensus on the deterioration of ecosystems and the threat it poses to the future, the process of deterioration continues to happen; an identifiable reason for this inconsistency is that people do not understand the dynamics of the systems involved (ecosystems, social systems, climate system, etc.) and because of this easily mistakes with serious consequences.

Of these arguments is derived the need to develop educational tools that promote the development of systems thinking in people in order to put the mental models light well, stop operating in crisis and start to act in ways less fragmented and more integrated (Booth and Meadows, 1995), on issues of sustainable development, mean tools for understanding the causal relationships between human activities and possible characteristics of natural, social and economic ecosystems involving sustainability.

GEIO from its research in environmental management, led by teachers and students of Industrial Engineering, has worked on the creation of a course in which it is proposed to use active methodologies and constructivist to treat systemic thinking around theme of sustainable development, so that engineers develop training skills related to a holistic view, thus, from his professional role implement actions that generate business man-society relationship in which the environment is a transversal topic. Thus, GEIO responds to a felt need to integrate into the curricula of engineering systems thinking issues and sustainable development, in order to couple productivity with environmental conservation; however, the team proposed an innovative methodological approach. 



Present through a workshop a proposal for a course for teaching systems thinking focused on the theme of Sustainable Development Engineering students through recreational methodologies. 


  • Present structure with articulated course curricula of Engineering.
  • Experiencing some fundamental concepts of systems thinking focused on environmental issues, through leisure activities.
  • Create a space for reflection on where we can discuss about the thematic and methodological relevance of the proposal

Programming and methodology 

During the workshop attendees will be part of a practical class where they can observe, implement and discuss the use of recreational generating systems thinker skills in college students, in a context of environmental issues. A schedule is presented below:

Systemic theme Methodology Duration
Introduction to the proposal Oral presentation 10 minutes
Basic definition of system and its properties Story “The complaint of Gecko” 20 minutes
Influences diagram Ludic “Living Loops” 30 minutes
Systemic archetypes and approach to Dynamic Systems Ludic “harvest” 45 minutes
Close and conclusions Conversatory 15 minutes


Natalia Bedoya Bohórquez

Industrial engineer, Master in Ecotechnology. Teaching Faculty of Engineering of the Technological University of Pereira. Active Member and Co – researcher GEIO Group.

Carlos Mauricio Ramírez Zuluaga

Industrial engineer, Master in Human and Organizational Development. Teaching Faculty of Engineering of the Technological University of Pereira. GEIO Group coordinator.

Manuela Del Pilar Gómez Suta

Student of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering of the Technological University of Pereira. Group GEIO environmental research online.

Wilson Arenas Valencia

Industrial engineer. Specialist management of human and organizational development. Master in Operations Research and Statistics. Dean of the Faculty of Engineering of the Technological University of Pereira. Director of the Research Group GEIO.

Organizational aspects

Date and time: Wednesday September 16, 2015, 14:00 to 16:00

Language: Spanish

Number of participants: 30 / QUOTA COMPLETED

Workshop site: Convention Center Cartagena de Indias, Room 3 / Barahona 3 + 4

7. Saber Pro, design of production systems and logistics

Organizational aspects

Date and time: Thursday September 17, 2015, 10:30 to 12:30

Language: Spanish 

Number of participants: 40 / QUOTA COMPLETED

Workshop site: Convention Center Cartagena de Indias, General Secretariat