Panel Integration of sustainable development into engineering programs
From the proposed topics motivation, each panelist will their accuracy for 10 minutes. Then they present their comments and input for 40 minutes. Then, the moderator made comments and then a space for questions and public input will open. In the end, the moderator will summarize the panel.
In today’s world, one of the priorities is related to sustainable development, constantly facing challenges related to the environment, due to the changing and increased demands of society for development. In this regard is priority to recognize that engineering, as a promoter of development, makes from engineering programs effectively participate in training of future engineers in sustainable future that is propenda.
Technology and development have certainly been fundamental contributions to the welfare of society, but also several current environmental problems, for the use of technologies that have not been effectively transformed into sustainable. Likewise we face major technological developments, yet in many countries we could solve basics such as drinking water or waste management, among others.
It is noteworthy in this context the relationship between ethical dilemmas and engineering decisions to be taken, considerably affect the sustainability of an engineering development, for which future professionals must face in addition to the technical challenges, the elements to preserve as best environment.
Proposals questions
How to incorporate in an engineering program approaches of sustainable development?
What related to sustainable development elements must be considered part of engineering education?
What proposals suggests dealing with ethical dilemmas facing engineering to sustainable development?
Organizational aspects
- Wednesday, September 16, 14:00 to 16:00 hours Cartagena Convention Center, Room 1 (Barahona 1)
Language: Spanish
The objective is to deepen on the proposed concepts, reaching recommendations for engineering schools:
- It is not that the participants in the Panel to make a mini conference each, but provide elements for reflection and debate, reaching practical recommendations for engineering faculties.
- The physical space provided for this activity will have a setting conducive to dialogue and therefore away from the very structure of a traditional academic conference.
- The moderator is responsible for keeping the dialogue alive between the speaker and the couple.
- The session is scheduled a time for audience participation.
- The proposed questions are the pretext of encouraging debate and during the session can perform other by the moderator.
- The panel is framed in the context proposed
With the support of:
Panel Inserting Infrastructure of cities concepts in the engineering programs
From the proposed topics motivation, each panelist will their accuracy for 10 minutes. Then they present their comments and inputs with a Colombian vision, for 40 minutes. Then, the moderator made comments and then a space for questions and public input will open. In the end, the moderator will summarize the panel.
In the current context, in which the increase in urban population centers, is necessary to understand one another in articulated manner, as systems.
The new infrastructures of the cities go beyond the construction of large structures, road developments or a great aqueduct. Understanding the cities of the future involves relating the information technology and communications to both the infrastructure to provide economic and social services, sustainable way, looking to be competitive engine, always looking to improve the quality of life of the population.
Mentioning development, systems, infrastructure, connectivity, we can say that the presence of engineering is central to achieving carry out the development of smart cities. In this sense engineering programs, they should understand this situation and able to propose technical, social and sustainable solutions.
Proposals questions
You should incorporate an engineering program concepts of smart cities? How to do it?
Is it the responsibility of the research groups and postgraduate address these concepts?
In the Colombian and Latin American context is feasible to have smart cities?
Organizational aspects
- Thursday, September 17, 14:00 to 16:00 hours Cartagena Convention Center, Room 1 (Barahona 1)
Language: Spanish
The objective is to deepen on the proposed concepts, reaching recommendations for engineering schools:
- It is not that the participants in the Panel to make a mini conference each, but provide elements for reflection and debate, reaching practical recommendations for engineering faculties.
- The physical space provided for this activity will have a setting conducive to dialogue and therefore away from the very structure of a traditional academic conference.
- The moderator is responsible for keeping the dialogue alive between the speaker and the couple.
- The session is scheduled a time for audience participation.
- The proposed questions are the pretext of encouraging debate and during the session can perform other by the moderator.
- The panel is part of the proposed context.
With the support of:
Panel Logistics engineering programs
From the proposed topics motivation, each panelist will their accuracy for 10 minutes. Then they present their comments and input for 40 minutes. Then, the moderator made comments and then a space for questions and public input will open. In the end, the moderator will summarize the panel.
In the XXI century logistics is a priority in an organization, since the activities that surround it allow them to keep developing the processes that take place.
Logistics activities contain processes of planning, implementation, management and control information flow of a material or product, from its origin to its destination in any organization. Logistics can be analyzed from bringing a product from one point to another, seeking to ensure that customer needs are met at an optimal price for all actors in the chain.
Independently of the area or activity, we can say that the logistics currently has, among others, the following trends:
- New and changing logistics techniques
- Various modes of transport (intermodal)
- Markets increasingly broad and competitive
- Optimization (reduction) of the number of stores
- Ever increasing outsourcing (subcontracting)
- Assurance processes and quality control increasingly stringent
- Customers demanding greater choice to via free trade agreements and free competition
Under this preamble is considered engineers, regardless of their specialty, are involved in these processes in any of the points or the entire process of logistics activities, so their training should be checked for proper performance.
Proposals questions
You should incorporate an engineering program logistics concepts? How to do it?
Is the logistics a disciplinary problem, interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary?
Organizational aspects
- Thursday, September 17, 14:00 to 16:00 hours Cartagena Convention Center, Room 2 (Barahona 2)
Language: Spanish
The objective is to deepen on the proposed concepts, reaching recommendations for engineering schools:
- It is not that the participants in the Panel to make a mini conference each, but provide elements for reflection and debate, reaching practical recommendations for engineering faculties.
- The physical space provided for this activity will have a setting conducive to dialogue and therefore away from the very structure of a traditional academic conference.
- The moderator is responsible for keeping the dialogue alive between the speaker and the couple.
- The session is scheduled a time for audience participation.
- The proposed questions are the pretext of encouraging debate and during the session can perform other by the moderator.
- The panel is part of the proposed context.
Panel Research on engineering materials the country needs
From the proposed topics motivation, each panelist will their accuracy for 10 minutes. Then they present their comments and inputs with a Colombian vision, for 40 minutes. Then, the moderator made comments and then a space for questions and public input will open. In the end, the moderator will summarize the panel.
Strengthening national capacities in innovation, requires considering the need for research to be done in colleges and engineering schools in the country, respond more effectively to the way business expectations. Consequently, the closer relations between businesses, schools and colleges and, more directly, with their research groups becomes urgent. It is now much more understandable interaction in space of the triple helix university-business-state, which is being built in different regions of Colombia, which needs to emphasize the research topics that are important in engineering, such as support and inspiration innovative actions that should allow him to consolidate the economic future entrepreneurs face a globalized world. Achieve, productivity, competitiveness and profitability essentially grounded in addition to its work, scientific, technological and engineering knowledge, as added value, allowed successful position in the constellation of successful business in society and Economics knowledge. Undoubtedly, very good part of this task, go through the research, development and innovation on the materials engineering that builds society.
Organizational aspects
- Wednesday, September 16, 14:00 to 16:00 hours Cartagena Convention Center, Room 2 (Barahona 2)
Language: Spanish
The aim is to deepen on the proposed concepts, reaching recommendations for engineering schools:
- It is not that the participants in the Panel to make a mini conference each, but provide elements for reflection and debate, reaching practical recommendations for engineering faculties.
- The physical space provided for this activity will have a setting conducive to dialogue and therefore away from the very structure of a traditional academic conference.
- The moderator is responsible for keeping the dialogue alive between the speaker and the couple.
- The session is scheduled a time for audience participation.
- The proposed questions are the pretext of encouraging debate and during the session can perform other by the moderator.
- The panel is part of the proposed context.