Adriana Ocampo Senior
She is an Industrial Engineer from the University of Missouri, an MBA from Maryville University in St. Louis, Missouri.
Is currently the Administrator of BDS programs Mentor Protégé Program, the Small Business Liaison Officer (SBLO) for the Boeing Company, where he directs the strategic planning and implementation of program initiatives of Supplier Diversity, is charged with the responsibility of association with the Electronic and Information Solutions (E & S) Intelligence Systems Group (ISG) of division leaders and multifunctional organizations, as well as collaboration with foreign industry, affiliates, customers agencies like the Department of Homeland Security Department Defense and the Office of Small Business Programs.
Adriana is an exceptional leader and through their professional experience enrich EIEI attendees with their contributions.
Carlos Julio Cuartas Chacón
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Civil Engineer, M.Sc. Strathclyde University, Professor at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and Life Member of the Colombian Society of Engineers. Author of The Colombian engineer, History, Language and profession.
He served as Academic Dean of the Faculty of Engineering of the Pontifical Javeriana University, was director of Annals of Engineering and Executive Director of ACOFI.
Diana Espinosa Bula
Sociedad Colombiana de Ingenieros
Civil Engineer graduated from the Colombian School of Engineering Julio Garavito, majoring in Environmental Sanitation, LL.M. of Natural Resources of the External University of Colombia Degree in Business Management Program INALDE Institute of the University of the Sabana. He has worked professionally in various engineering and consulting firms and has held positions in the Colombian Government as adviser to the Directorate General of INAT between 1996 and 1997. Deputy General Manager of infrastructure of the Colombian Institute for Rural Development – INCODER of 2003-2004.
Francisco Javier Pérez Trujillo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Director of the Office for Transfer of Research Results of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), an entity created as a body interface between the University and the company with the primary aim of promoting relations between the two sectors, promoting the transfer of the scientific and technical university to industry. offer Director of the Research Group Engineering Surfaces and Nanostructured Materials of the Faculty of Chemistry at UCM.
Iring Wasser
He is the President of the ENAEE (European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education) EUR-ACE Label Committee and member of the Board of ENAEE. Since 2006 represents ASIIN in Thematic Network European Chemical Association. He is Vice President of the European Accreditation Network CEE Central and Eastern. He has served on the boards of numerous draft EU-funded projects in the field of engineering. Over the past two years he has been the Project Manager of Information and European Projects Geology and TEMPUS projects.
With his experience he has accompanied numerous consulting projects in the field of quality assurance and accreditation.
James W. Pellegrino
University of Illinois at Chicago
Distinguished Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Distinguished Professor of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He serves as co-director of UIC’s interdisciplinary Learning Sciences Research Institute. His research interests focus on the thinking and learning of children and adults and the implications of cognitive research and theory for the design and evaluation of educational practice. His current work focuses mainly on the analysis of complex learning and education environments, including those incorporating powerful information technology tools, in order to better understand the nature of student learning and the conditions that improve deep understanding. Author and co-author of over 300 books, chapters in journals, and reports in the area of cognition, instruction and assessment. Dr. Pellegrino is currently a member of the Technical Advisory Committees (TAC) of various states as well as the TACs of the SBAC, PARCC, DLM, and NCSC state consortia funded under the U.S. Race to the Top assessment initiative.
Jorge Del Río Cortina
Comité Universidad – Empresa – Estado
Master of Business Administration (MBA) with an emphasis on Strategy and Business Policy, Institute of Advanced Studies of Monterrey Technological – UNAB. Business Administrator at the University of Cartagena. He is currently Director of Research and Innovation in the Technological University of Bolivar. Member of the Institute of Development Studies – IDE recognized by COLCIENCIAS.
Extensive experience in the areas of Commercial and Marketing Logistics with emphasis on the proper management of resources, generation of plans and ideas, designing care pathways and evaluation of results. Author of scientific publications. Experience in the education, private sector and project management consulting and organizational consulting.
Natalia Ariza Ramírez
Ministerio de Educación Nacional
She is an economist at the National University of Colombia with a Master in Economics from the same HEI. His master’s thesis dealt with the technical and technological education: need, quality and profitability.
In the labor camp was Research Assistant of the National University of Colombia; Information Analyst Consultant UNDP-DNP (National Human Development Program); Deputy Director of Employment and Social Security of the National Planning Department and General Director of Employment Promotion in the Ministry of Social Protection.
She is an expert in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in the areas of education, job training and employment, was accompanying Gina Parody SENA in 2013 and now has the challenge of working from the Deputy Minister for the consolidation and improvement of higher education in our country.
Rubén Darío Ochoa Arbeláez
Civil Engineer of the Universidad La Gran Colombia, specialist in industrial safety and environmental hygiene Uniagraria management, civil engineering Masters in environmental emphasis of the Colombian School of Engineering. He was Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Director of the Civil Engineering Program Uniagraria for more than eight years and with extensive professional experience in the environmental area as an adviser and consultant in different regions.
Ximena Dueñas Herrera
Economist at the University of the Andes, Master in International Affairs from Columbia University and PhD in Economics and Education at the same institution.
Ximena Dueñas comes to exercise management positions in the education sector, he has served as a teacher and Policy ICESI University in Cali. She was Director of the Economics Program with emphasis in Public Policy, Director of the Observatory of Public Policy – Polis, Head of Economics Department, and Assistant Professor of the University ICESI. Also he worked as a Graduate Assistant and Teaching Assistant at Columbia University.
He has taught in several professorships, he has written articles in refereed journals, has directed several graduation projects and has made presentations at different stages of the educational environment. Among his research projects we can highlight the comparison of test results Saber 11 public and private schools and engaged in Cali, and analysis of the monitoring program ICESI readmitted students. The results of these studies were presented at the annual conference of the Comparative and International Education Society and the Association of Economics of Education.