Meeting students


 1. Work on action plans

An action plan is a type of plan that prioritizes the most important to meet certain goals and targets initiatives. Thus, an action plan was established as a kind of guide that provides a framework or structure when carrying out a project.

Throughout the workshop it is intended that students build action plans by groups that revolve around the following themes:

Engineering education without borders
Interdisciplinary engineering
Education for sustainable development
To meet the above tools for structuring the plan through Desing Thinking methodology and the structure of a pitch when submitting a project will be provided.

Criteria for preparation of the Plan of Action

to. Schemes draft action plan worked during the forum, with feedback comments.

b. Written document (2 pages max.) With:

i. Problems identified
ii. Ideas outstanding obtained in the “brainstorming”
iii. Main shaft on which the group was formed
iv. Summary Action Plan
v. “Elevator Pitch” in no more than 100 words. Project management model which allows to sell the best product or service technological development

c. Presentation (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.) where exposed in full action plan with oral exposure (15 minutes) to the experts.

2. Community Service: “Sowing engineers”


Encourage students to primary and secondary education as a career to choose any of the different engineering that are offered in Colombia, with reference to the high demand and the small number of graduates in engineering focused on ICT.


With students from primary and secondary education by attending the conduct integrated EIEI them make the challenge “Marshmallow” groups



Packages of spaghetti, marshmallows, tape and pita.


The lack of training of ICT engineers in Colombia is accentuated when compared with other countries. In China they formed a year about 677 thousand professionals in India 600 000. Mexico is a leader in the region with 96 000 engineers per year, followed by the USA with 75 000, Brazil 33 000, 28 000 and Colombia France 14,500 on average a year.

And beyond the total numbers in the other countries the number of students is increasing year after year, at a rate of 26% annually in China by 17% in India, 12% in Korea, 10% in Brazil, while in Colombia It presents a fall of 5%.

In Colombia there is a shortfall of 15 000 engineers and it is estimated that the figure is closer to 100 000 in 2019 if immediate measures are not taken, according to a study commissioned by the Ministry to EAFIT and Infosys. (From Week Magazine)


3. Workshop “Engineering in Context”


Bring students to the national situation and context of the exercise of his career.


In groups students must select the headline of a news of national interest, then explain it to peers and share the contribution they could personally take to improve or change that headline from the practice of engineering.


News from newspapers, magazines, virtual media, cardboard.

4. Intergenerational Panel: “Footprints inspire


Share experiences with engineers of great experience so that students are aware of the assistants work, struggles and triumphs with which they will encounter along the practice of engineering.


Invitation to two engineers of great experience, who over an hour attendees narrate stories of his career from the beginning, from the questions of motivation. It is important to present each guest with a short biography.


What was your first job? What was your most difficult during their studies and in fiscal engineering? What has been your greatest success? What was your motivation to study engineering? What is your perspective of engineering and its impact on the country’s situation? What aspect believes that universities should improve from the engineers of the future? What recommendations would you make to the future engineers?

5. Information panel

Call for Universities and engineering-related organizations (eg: Ministry of National Education, MinTIC, Minambiente, Youth Commission of Engineers Colombian society and student organizations) can offer their programs and products.


In the EIEI ACOFI 2015 meeting of engineering students in which, on the issue of quality will share their thoughts and experiences from their work in their institutions, and propose actions for improving engineering education takes place.


  • Involve students in a reflection on the process of training leading them to discuss, innovate and make proposals on the subject of education in engineering.
  • Encourage the formation of academic leaders and generating national and international networks for good professional development of future engineers.
  • Develop action plans (projects created by students in the days of the event) to provide solutions to the problems related to engineering education and engineering as such, at local, regional or global levels.


1. Engineering Education without frontiers

  • Beyond the boundaries of the classroom, with the aim of tending towards international interaction.
  • Assess the cultural and language students have engineering knowledge.
  • Analyze calls and possibilities for academic and cultural exchange.
  • Promoting education and learning to acquire the skills necessary for engineering practice in the context of globalization.
  • Identify gaps that students present their training as engineers without borders.

2. Interdisciplinary engineering

  • The experiences of interdisciplinary training and have students analyze the positive and negative aspects of such experiences.
  • Encourage students work with other engineering disciplines so that tools and approaches from which to approach a problem are increased.
  • Suggest topics that promote interdisciplinary training with appropriate methodologies.

3. Education for sustainable development

  • Meet the training experiences for sustainability that have had students.
  • Reflect on the challenges posed to social and environmental engineering changes that occur every day.
  • Designing academic settings that allow students to tailor their classroom projects to problem situations in a real context.

Proposal to

Students of faculties, schools or engineering programs who can present their papers independently or with accompanying teachers and businesses, but where student participation is a majority, to be considered in this category.

Poster Contest

Sending a job to email 10 pages maximum, around some of the themes that are proposed for students. It should be based on the preset format for this purpose, Which can be downloaded here: FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION OF PAPERS

The selected papers will be asked to design a poster that must comply with the parameters of coherence, feasibility and possibility of implementation, plus a preestablished specifications that can be downloaded here: Instructive for poster presentation

Note: All selected papers will be included in the reports, and the best will be awarded at the close of EIEI ACOFI 2015.

Accepted papers

Here is the list of student papers approved by the Scientific Committee to continue the process in the context of the event.

Student papers approved

Final papers

Here is the final list of student papers that will be on the agenda of the meeting

Final List Students

Important Dates 

  • January 19, 2015: the call for submission of student papres opens
  • April 30, 2015: Deadline for submission of papers
  • May 15, 2015: Publication of accepted papers
  • June 26, 2015: Deadline for submission of the final document
  • July 17, 2015: Deadline for submission of posters
  • July 24, 2015: Deadline for registration of authors



Programa Estudiantes 2015_08_13



In September 2013 the Colombian Association of Faculties of Engineering (ACOFI) held in the city of Cartagena WEEF 2013 (World Engineering Education Forum) and supported directly the Ninth Global Forum for Engineering Students (9th GSF) organized by the Student Platform for Engineering Education Development (SPEED).

The 9th GSF first met in Colombia to all engineering students to address issues of education. In this issue of great importance, Colombian students had the opportunity to discuss models of teaching and learning of engineering and share with students from foreign and domestic universities in conducting global action plans designed to implement locally.

The realization of this event, left as a result a team of Colombian students as new members of the organization who formed and consolidated SPEED Colombia during 2014; during this year ACOFI again expressed its support for the formation of the student chapter SPEED Colombia and encourage the participation of other student organizations interested in getting involved in the issue of education in engineering, so as within the International Conference on Engineering Education in October 2014 a meeting of students led by members of SPEED Colombia takes place.

This meeting achievement that students come together leaders from around the country; having student representatives, seed research, and members of the National Association of Students of Industrial Engineering and Management (ANEIAP), who supported the event and participated in the various discussions that took place, as well as the realization of the visit to the foundation “Dear friend” of the city of Cartagena and poster competition.

Finally with logistical and academic support during the meeting ACOFI students were able to promote the mission objectives SPEED namely research, community service and dialogue about education in engineering. Also, it was possible to expand the network of contacts and members of SPEED Colombia, who are preparing regional and institutional workshops to develop during 2015, with the main theme engineering education; in order to share and discuss their findings at a meeting of students within the International Conference on Engineering Education 2015 to be held from 15 to 18 September in the city of Cartagena.