The Colombian Association of Engineering Schools – ACOFI-, in the year of the commemoration of its 40th anniversary, will be central activity the International Conference on Engineering Education 2015 ACOFI -EIEI ACOFI 2015, entitled “Quality training in engineering, for the future“.
The EIEI ACOFI 2015 is the event in which the socialization of proposals and experiences of teaching and learning, research in engineering education, social responsibility in engineering education processes, among other important issues, provide elements and opportunities improvement to our faculties of engineering. For that reason, EIEI ACOFI 2015 will be the largest gathering of engineering education in Colombia and one of the most recognized internationally.
In 2015 EIEI ACOFI the work and experience of teachers, students, researchers and companies will be presented. The meeting will be the occasion for interaction between deans, professors, researchers, students, government, industry and society. Lectures, panels, workshops and technical and social activities will be conducted.
Quality is a broad and complex term, particularly when it comes to the teaching – learning in our schools, engineering schools and programs.
The structuring of a curriculum, the characterization of a subject, how to evaluate the consistency of training local, regional and global quality, its relationship with society and, in general, any academic process that is intended to carry After all, have a fundamental and cross-cutting aspect of quality.
But the quality indicators are constantly changing. What today is valid in a quality process, tomorrow is no longer applicable or invalid. The same applies to the environment in which it operates. The quality at a given location into account the needs, interests, facilities and difficulties in the region. Therefore, what can be successful in part, if not understand the context in which it operates, it may be a failure elsewhere.
For all these reasons, it is necessary to reflect, analyze and discuss the actions centered quality, with a look that takes into account both the quality assessment itself, as what happens in training, research and relationship with the environment, always with a prospective exercise and with identity.
According to these approaches, the Colombian Association of Engineering Schools -ACOFI-, consistent with its mission of tending the momentum and improving the quality of engineering education, and as part of the commemoration of 40 years invites the academic community in Colombia, Latin America and the world, the International Conference on Engineering Education ACOFI 2015 EIEI ACOFI 2015, in which administrators, teachers, students and administrative staff in schools, engineering schools and programs are they gather to study, reflect and analyze the theme “Quality training in engineering, for the future“.
For this, the EIEI ACOFI 2015 organized the following activities:
- Lectures, peer dialogues, oral presentations of faculties, schools and engineering programs on quality in the themes proposed:
- Foresight in engineering education
- Internationalization of engineering curricula
- Evaluation of engineering education
- Introducing advances in research developed by universities or companies in which experiences and looking around the proposed topics (Sustainable Development, Infrastructure cities (Smart cities), Logistics, Materials) are shown, considering quality as a factor.
- Meeting students where, from his own experience, provide elements for continuous improvement in the quality of their training.
- Meeting of engineering deans to reflect on the impact that management models faculties have on quality.
These four possibilities for participation will EIEI ACOFI of 2015, an event of great importance for engineering education.
- To analyze the influence of process quality training of engineers
- Discuss the role of evaluation as a quality strategy
- To study the impact of proposed changes constants in models of teaching and learning
- Reflect on how they should be incorporated internationalization processes to the work of the engineering faculties
Meeting Site
Convention Center Cartagena de Indias
Located in Gethsemane quarter against the ridge of the martyrs and steps from the Clock Tower one of the most representative and known landmarks of the city.
Year after year the convention center receives more than 300 events such as government summits, conferences, fairs, exhibitions and shows a wide variety of audiences and sizes.
The site, designed and built specifically to accommodate conferences and conventions, large plenary and simultaneous academic sessions, also has a technology platform and computer that meets the demands of events as ICANN 39, Andina Link and the Sixth Summit of the Americas, so confirm the scope of their services.
Our image
This year ACOFI, in the context of 40 years, designed for the International Conference on Engineering Education -EIEI ACOFI 2015, an image that stands engineering, represented in the industry, technological development, logistics, materials, infrastructure development sustainable … by including the event name (or symbol of the event in the alternate version) and the name of ACOFI, at bottom, is shown in engineering education as the basis for representing the profession.
The image of the India Catalina, corresponds to a recognition of Cartagena de Indias, one of the most representative symbols of the city, historical patrimony of humanity and the sun represents the warmth, strength and beauty of the Caribbean region.