Make your payment at your convenience for these options :
Details for bank transfer in Colombia :
Beneficiary Name : ACOFI. Asociación Colombiana de Facultades de Ingeniería
Beneficiary Phone : 571 4273065 ext. 103
Bank: Bancolombia, sucursal salitre, calle 25 N°. 68B-02, Bogotá. Tel: 571 4273070
Account number: 17126041844
Account Type: Current
Town and country: Bogotá, Colombia
Data bank transfer abroad:
Paying bank : Bancolombia
Bancolombia SWIFT : COLOCOBM
For orders in U.S. dollars :
Intermediary Bank : CITIBANK New York
ABA Code: 021000089
For credit to account # 36006658 Bancolombia
In the appropriation, indicate name and institution having enrolled and sent to the fax (57 1) 4273065 ext. 102 or 111 e- mail: . ACOFI issue the invoice once payment has been made .
If you require a different procedure for the payment of registration, please write to us by the respective application we will be ready to through the process.