Encuentro Internacional de Educación en Ingeniería ACOFI 2014 - 7 al 10 de octubre de 2014 - Cartagena de Indias.
Idioma / Language: esen

List of approved papers

You can view the list of approved papers to participate in the poster competition at the Meeting of Students of the Encuentro Internacional de Educación en Ingeniería ACOFI 2014

Student papers


In September 2013 the Colombian Association of Faculties of Engineering (ACOFI) held in the city of Cartagena WEEF 2013 (World Engineering Education Forum), International Meeting on Engineering Education, and directly supported the Ninth Global Forum for Engineering Students (9th GSF-Global Student Forum) organized by Student Platform for Engineering Education Development (SPEED).

The 9th GSF first met in Colombia to all engineering students to address issues of education. In this matter of great importance for Colombian students, we had the opportunity to share with students from foreign and domestic universities, making action plans to implement locally designed globally.

It was attended by 80 students, of which 50% were Colombian cities like Bogota, Medellin, Cali, Barranquilla, Cartagena, among others, and 50% foreign-born Arab, Germany, India, Brazil Emirates , United States, Ecuador, Panama, Argentina, Mexico, Israel.

The activities take place in order to create action plans, with a methodology that breaks the schemes of student forums, as students channel their ideas into the design of the proposals to deploy them wherever Education completed engineering, whether universities, faculties of engineering organizations, even government programs in each country.

A great compromise that emerged from the event organizers, and representatives ACOFI SPEED was a continuation of that work with students, started in Cartagena. Therefore instead occurs within the International Meeting on Education in Engineering 2014 ACOFI a dedicated space for students where the results of the work will be presented, the result of the action plans proposed in the 9th GSF and will continue with the development of ideas for students to continue to provide increasingly on the quality of our training as engineers.


Engineering education has taken various approaches, given the constant changes in the world and creates new challenges for engineering both society and nature itself. This is how to enter for students studying engineering a wide number of options which can be oriented towards his career unfolds. Now it is valid to ask whether the approach to take depends strictly on the student or on the contrary is limited and subject to the elements that provide the education model that governs us.

Around this is important to work with students to know their position on engineering education and the engineering model for what are being educated. We see every day as standards are created to measure the quality of education in various disciplines which basically depend on the academic side but that is leaving aside the interdisciplinary training.

With these elements to students is to work in the topics:

  • The engineer as a transforming society
  • Engineering with Business Approach
  • Information Technology (ICT) and its application in engineering education

From these perspectives as students contributions to the central theme of the event “New scenarios in engineering education” will be quite valuable and provide feedback to other estates involved in education in engineering attendees.


  • Involve students in the process of training, raising awareness, allowing for reflection that leads to debate, innovate and propose on the subject of engineering education.
  • Encourage the formation of academic leaders and generating national and international networks to good professional development of future engineers.
  • Develop action plans (projects created by students in the days of the event) to provide solutions to the problems related to engineering education and engineering such as in Colombia and the world.


Information Technology (ICT) and its application in engineering education

  • Renovation of classrooms and laboratories with the implementation of ICT.
  • New perspectives of learning with the help of ICT.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of using ICT in education in engineering.

Engineering with business focus

  • Reflections on the importance of entrepreneurship in engineering students.
  • Approach strategies to encourage innovative and entrepreneurial spirit engineering students.
  • Development of capabilities that allow the formation of competitive engineers around interdisciplinarity.

The engineer as a transforming society

  • Reflection on the role of the engineer in society considering the model country and the economic, social and environmental realities for being prepared.
  • Description of the reality that engineering professionals and errors that have been committed as engineers to society and the environment they face.
  • Proposals from engineering to promote sustainable development.

Aimed at:

Innovative and creative students of all engineering wishing to propose their ideas about engineering education, specifically

Undergraduate or graduate of any Engineering showing that they are mostly students.
Students who meet the above condition of Colombia or abroad.

Competition Posters

The selected works will be required to design a poster that should satisfy coherence parameters, feasibility and possibility of implementation, and a preset specifications can be downloaded here:

Posters instructions

Note: All selected papers will be included in the reports and reward the best during the event.

Evaluation Criteria

For the evaluation of the work will take into account:

  • Quality Summary
  • Consistency with the main theme in which it was considered including their work
  • The originality of content and creativity in presentation
  • It is an unpublished work
  • Presentation of relevant content
  • Implementation capacity, planning, and scope

Important Dates

August 22, 2014: submission deadline and sent to work email eiei@acofi.edu.co

August 29, 2014: Publication of selected papers

September 12, 2014: Deadline for submission of Poster

September 30, 2014: Deadline for registration and registration of all authors at the event date.


Meeting of Students Program 


Enrollment will become official once it has canceled the registration fee for each participant.

Value of Registration

Undergraduate students: COP 900,000 * USD 450

The registration fee includes:

  • Admission to all academic activities scheduled during the 4-day event
  • Join all the social activities during the 4-day event
  • Breakfasts and lunches
  • Refreshment
  • Material (case, pen, memo notes, etc.)

Important: Payments received for registration to the International Conference on Education in Engineering ACOFI 2014, are non-refundable.

Payment options

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